Population Growth
The United States Census Bureau projects the United States population will be over 332,403,650 by Jan. 1, 2022 A.D..
Representing a 0.21% increase in population.
Population increased 0.29% since Census Day.
In January 2022 A.D. the United States is expected to experience a birth every nine seconds and one death every 11 seconds.
International migration is expected to add one person to the U.S. population every 130 seconds.
The combination of births, deaths and net international migration increases the U.S. population by one person every 40 seconds.
The projected world population on Jan. 1,by 2022 A.D. is projected to be 7,868,872,451, an increase of 74,235,487, or 0.95%, from New Year’s Day 2021 A.D.,
during January 2022, 4.3 births and 2.0 deaths are expected worldwide every second.
Source: United States Census Bureau
Boechler P.C. v. IRS
In April 2022 A.D., a unanimous Supreme Court stopped the Tax Court from refusing to hear a taxpayer’s challenge to an IRS assessment. The Supreme Court agreed with the amicus brief filed by NFIB in November 2021A.D..
The case focused on the time period during which individuals can file petitions with the Tax Court to review decisions and determinations from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). NFIB argued, and the Court agreed, that the 30-day deadline to file a petition in the Tax Court for review of an IRS collection assessment is not an ironclad deadline if injury from the IRS decision was discovered after the 30-day window. This means that the Tax Court should function like any other court and allow its judges the discretion to extend deadlines in certain cases. The Supreme Court’s ruling ensures that taxpayers and small business owners have ample time for their day in court. Source: NFIB
SECA Funding Company is a financial services provider specializing in various
funding solutions.
Here are some of the services they offer:
1. Factoring / Invoice Finance: This powerful form of commercial finance
allows businesses to receive cash advances based on customer invoices.
It’s a way to unlock working capital quickly.
2. ABL / Inventory Finance: SECA Funding Company provides revolving lines of credit secured
by accounts receivable, inventory, and equipment for small to medium-sized
3. SBA 7a Term Loans: These term loans are provided to small business
entrepreneurs as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration for
various purposes.
4. PO Trade & Export Finance: Specialized finance to fulfill finished goods
delivery against valid purchase orders for creditworthy customers.
5. Private Mortgage Notes: SECA Funding Company assists in financing businesses through the
sale of private mortgage or business notes via their nationwide network of
6. Structured Settlements: Immediate working capital can be obtained
through cash-outs of structured settlement annuities and gaming awards.
7. Inheritance Advances: If you’re an heir awaiting an inheritance payment
delayed in probate court, SECA Funding Company can provide a cash advance on your
upcoming inheritance.
8. Pre-Settlement Legal Advances: SECA Funding Company offers advance cash for pending
legal settlements related to wrongful death and product liability lawsuits.
SECA Funding Company has been serving clients since the early 1990s and is
committed to providing quality service and creative finance solutions.
The Three Financial Points To Always Remember
1: After you graduate from school, no one is going to ask to see
your report card.
No one cares what your GPA was or if you belonged to any honor
society, fraternity or sorority, club or social group.
They might care about what school you went to, if you went to any
private or Ivy League such as Harvard or Yale. But for most people
in the world, it doesn't really matter to the majority of people about
your education.
#2: What matters to people is your balance sheet.
That is your financial report card when it comes to your financial
health. While this is by no means what should matter most in your
life, it is what will matter the most to those analyzing your financial
standing, and yes your business financial statement is much more
important than your credit score.
The 5 types of financial statements you need to know
• Income statement. Arguably the most important. ...
• Cash flow statement. ...
• Balance sheet. ...
• Note to Financial Statements. ...
• Statement of change in equity.
#3: When it comes to your skill set the more specialized you are,
the more valuable you are.
The more of a wide open space that you're in business wise, the
more that you can out learn and outwork others. Read and study a lot
of good materials.
The very successful billionaire businessman Mark Cuban likes to
say, "It's about the willingness to outwork and out learn everyone." Robby Evans CCFC