With over a three decades of experience in real estate notes and finance, Robby Evans the founder and CEO of SECA Funding Company has earned an impressive list of certifications that set him apart as an expert in his field.

Mr. Evans is a CCFC Certified Commercial Finance Consultant, Certified Master Factoring Broker, Certified Corporate Financial Advisor, Certified Finance Specialist with expertise in commercial finance and factoring, he guides businesses to success with his certified skills.

As a CCFC and Master Factoring Broker, he leverages decades of experience to provide top-notch consulting and brokerage services that help clients secure funding and optimize cash flow. His certifications and mastery of complex finance strategies set him apart as a leader in the international financing field.

As a Certified Specialist in Law Suite Funding, Real Estate Mortgage Notes, Business Cash Flow, and Commission Advance for Real Estate Agents, Mr. Evans has mastered the nuances of real estate note transactions and creative alternative financing solutions and the nuances of Legal Advances and Litigation Funding also known as Commercial Legal Finance or Third-Party Funding.

His diverse expertise allows him to craft customized strategies to help clients maximize returns, tap into cash flow, and build wealth through many proven alternative financing methods.

Whether you’re an investor, agent, broker, private individual or institution, with his many professional financial skills Mr. Robby Evans can guide you through the many products and services within the alternative finance industry.

                                                Need Financing?

     Call Mr. Robby Evans Today Toll-Free at +1 800-413-5167 Ext. 0

SECA Funding Company provides financing for businesses and individuals through the buying of their Private Financed Mortgage Notes, Private Carried “Carry-Back” Business Notes.

They provide fast access to capital through non-traditional lending sources.

They provide top dollar offers for the assets they and their private network of professional investors purchase.

As a Fiduciary by law SECA Funding Company is required to place their Client’s needs above their own.

“We realize you have a choice when it comes to obtaining Alternative Financing. Thank you, for choosing SECA Funding Company for all your Alternative Finance Needs”.

                                                       Robby Evans

                                            SECA Funding Company                                                                                                                     


                     The Proven Leader In Alternative/Specialty Finance                       

      You Can Do Business With Us Because Because We Earn Your Trust!                                                                                       


Click Here > Financial Services

                                           Click Here > Sell Your Mortgage Note

Business Management Essentials Certified (BMEC)
Introduction to Asset-Based Lending Certified
Corporate Finance Institute Certified. Skills/Knowledge Areas: Capital Markets, Business Valuation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Debt Financing And Equity Financing

Let Us Purchase Your Private Mortgage Note

Quote Request Form
We Keep Your Information Confidential. Request Your Financing From The List Below And Then Submit This Form And You Will Receive Access To Your Two Free Gifts. Receive Your Gifts: The Factoring Guide When Banks Say No! & The Note Holders Handbook. Information provided will be used solely for the purpose of this Quote Request Form and will not be rented, sold, or relinquished to outside solicitors.
Be aware email is not a secure environment. We take the security in protecting your privacy very seriously - please never email us your credit card details
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We Do Not Guarantee That Every Deal That Is Submitted To SECA Funding Company And Our Investors Network Will Be Funded As Funding Is Considered On A Case By Case Basis. Each Deal We Fund Is Based On The Business Submitting Having A Positive And Strong Monthly Cash Flow.

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No reproduction without prior written permission

SECA Funding Company DISCLAIMER: We are not attorneys and therefore you must always obtain competent legal counsel and financial advice. SECA Funding Company is not engaged in the business of offering investment, tax, or legal advice. If such advice is required, the services of a competent securities, tax or legal professional should be sought. All informational materials in print or otherwise present or future provided by SECA Funding Company are for your discussion or review purposes only. The content on SECAFunding.com and its Resources (including, without limitations, third party and any SECA Funding Company content) is provided “as is” and carries no express or implied warranties, or promise or guaranty of success. No part of this SECA Funding Company website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the written permission of SFC's CEO.

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